I'm still a big fan of Marantz cassette decks. Marantz PMD430 Marantz's top of the line stereo recorder. As a result, I'm limiting this section to currently manufactured and discontinued decks by Marantz and a bunch of discontinued but classic Sony decks. The astute reader will note that the two primary manufacturers of higher-end cassette decks, Marantz and Sony, are slowly leaving the business. Less expensive machines are certainly out there, and although the quality of the recording will not match what one can do with high-end equipment, they will certainly still get the job done. The machines listed below are some of the highest quality, and therefore most expensive, cassette recorders available. There is an enormous range in price and quality of portable cassette recorders. They will not be updated.Īlthough its use is in sharp decline, analog audiocassette is still a standard medium for folklore and oral history field recording. This page contains descriptions of equipment that have been retired from the Vermont Folklife Center Audio Recording Equipment Guide.
Audio Field Recording Equipment Guide Retired Equipment List